

from flask import Flask, jsonify, render_template, Response

app = Flask(__name__)

def get_text():
    return '返回文本'

def get_dict():
    return {'state': 0}

def get_json():
    return jsonify({'state': 0})

def get_html():
    return render_template('index.html')

def get_resonponse():
    return Response('Not Found', status=404)

if __name__ == '__main__':
  1. get_text 返回一个字符串
  2. get_dict 返回一个字典
  3. get_json 返回一个json格式的字符串
  4. get_html 返回一个模板
  5. get_resonponse 返回一个Response对象

使用谷歌浏览器来查看这几个http响应的类型,1, 4, 5 的Content-Type 是 text/html,2,3的Content-Type 是application/json。这说明,flask会根据视图函数的返回值类型,来决定最终的Content-Type。

1. make_response


def make_response(self, rv):
    status = headers = None

    # unpack tuple returns
    if isinstance(rv, tuple):
        len_rv = len(rv)

        # a 3-tuple is unpacked directly
        if len_rv == 3:
            rv, status, headers = rv
        # decide if a 2-tuple has status or headers
        elif len_rv == 2:
            if isinstance(rv[1], (Headers, dict, tuple, list)):
                rv, headers = rv
                rv, status = rv
        # other sized tuples are not allowed
            raise TypeError(
                "The view function did not return a valid response tuple."
                " The tuple must have the form (body, status, headers),"
                " (body, status), or (body, headers)."

    # the body must not be None
    if rv is None:
        raise TypeError(
            "The view function did not return a valid response. The"
            " function either returned None or ended without a return"
            " statement."

    # make sure the body is an instance of the response class
    if not isinstance(rv, self.response_class):
        if isinstance(rv, (text_type, bytes, bytearray)):
            # let the response class set the status and headers instead of
            # waiting to do it manually, so that the class can handle any
            # special logic
            rv = self.response_class(rv, status=status, headers=headers)
            status = headers = None
        elif isinstance(rv, dict):
            rv = jsonify(rv)
        elif isinstance(rv, BaseResponse) or callable(rv):
            # evaluate a WSGI callable, or coerce a different response
            # class to the correct type
                rv = self.response_class.force_type(rv, request.environ)
            except TypeError as e:
                new_error = TypeError(
                    "{e}\nThe view function did not return a valid"
                    " response. The return type must be a string, dict, tuple,"
                    " Response instance, or WSGI callable, but it was a"
                    " {rv.__class__.__name__}.".format(e=e, rv=rv)
                reraise(TypeError, new_error, sys.exc_info()[2])
            raise TypeError(
                "The view function did not return a valid"
                " response. The return type must be a string, dict, tuple,"
                " Response instance, or WSGI callable, but it was a"
                " {rv.__class__.__name__}.".format(rv=rv)

    # prefer the status if it was provided
    if status is not None:
        if isinstance(status, (text_type, bytes, bytearray)):
            rv.status = status
            rv.status_code = status

    # extend existing headers with provided headers
    if headers:

    return rv


2. 利用Response返回图片


def image():
    f = open("static/public/pic/coolpython.png", 'rb')
    resp = Response(f.read(), mimetype="image/jpeg")
    return resp


3. 自定义Response


class ImageResponse(Response):
    default_mimetype = 'image/jpeg'

def image():
    f = open("static/public/pic/coolpython.png", 'rb')
    resp = ImageResponse(f.read())
    return resp

我自定义的ImageResponse类里,default_mimetype 就是image/jpeg, 因此在视图中创建ImageResponse对象时无需再设置mimetype。

4. 替换response_class


class ImageResponse(Response):
    default_mimetype = 'image/jpeg'

app = Flask(__name__)
app.response_class = ImageResponse

def image():
    f = open("static/public/pic/coolpython.png", 'rb')
    return f.read()


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